Saturday, December 25, 2010

Educational Tour - NUS Museum

Merry Christmas Folks! All of you must be thinking I will put up a place suitable for CNY shopping. Nope, not this time round, did that last year and I am afraid nothing much has changed! If you guys are really looking just for it, some old links to those CNY places can be found here.

As a NTU alumnus I am familiar with the Nanyang Heritage center and has introduced many local and foreign visitors there. However, my wife feel quite indignant that I failed to mention NUS Museum which she felt is way better than NTU. Recently, while selling to one of their staff that purchase my forks and spoon sets for their christmas party free gift, I make a small detour to visit the Museum and it really blows me away.

A quick intro of the Museum - It consists of several galleries such as Lee Kong Chian, photo, Malay Guru, South East Asian porcelain and specimen gallery.

For me, I love the collection of porcelain, glazed ware and old archaeological digs. One could spend hours reading on the history of those wares and admire their workmanship. Others may find their collection of specimen in situ interesting...I do not find it so.

Well some photos to capture your interest below.

This location will be categorised as part of educational tour.

If you need transportation services to visit this place, please refer to our product listing page.

You can also purchase a list of Top 40 Must Visit Places in Singapore with Sample Itineraries at the Donation/Payment Details page.

Entrance to Paint Gallery. It explores the concept of what does paint and painting entails
Some of the exhibitions are temporary loan by some of the notaries in Singapore

Exhibitions that showcase life of a Malay Guru
A mess of broken pieces of porcelain..seem quite artistic
A treasure trove of uncategorised items
A frog eating some lizard
Specimen of fish

Monday, December 13, 2010

Farm Tour - Mainland Tropical FIsh Farm

"Long Kang" (Drains in Chinese Dialect) is synonymous with fun for a lot of Singapore senior citizens. I have often heard stories of them jumping into Long Kang for swimming, playing or catching fish. Nowadays, very seldom do we see kids given the opportunities to do so. Mainland Fish farm offers a wonderful venue for senior citizens to satisfy their nostalgia and kids to experience what they have been missing all along.

At Mainland with a small amount of money, you get to enjoy fish spa, fish feeding or prawn fishing. A good and cheap way to spend time with families and friends!

The atmosphere at Mainland is so peaceful that a lot of time while sitting on their swing listening to the sound of the ducks, hens and water, I felt asleep.

This location will be placed as part of farm tour.
If you need transportation services to visit this place, please refer to our product listing page.

You can also purchase a list of Top 40 Must Visit Places in Singapore with Sample Itineraries at the Products and Payment Details page.

Long Kang Fishing

Fish Feeding

Pond for fish spa

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Educational Tour - Jelly Fty @ Tan Soon Mui

This factory does not allow photos … as if we will steal their manufacturing technique. Never mind, it still make for a worthwhile visit. The Herbal Grass Jelly Factory in woodland - Tan Soon Mui Food Industries.

Learn how grass jellies are made surprise here grass! Learn how it is mix, steam and finally pack in a short and quick presentation. After which buy drop dead cheap jelly from the distributor itself!

PS: My faithful reader will realise my rate of post is dropping. It is not because of lack of interesting places...I have on hand dozens of interesting place to blog on every week. However, as CNY approaches, we are really busy. I will try to post but the posting time will cease to be like clockwork. Instead of posting every weekend, it can now be anytime of the week.

This tour will be classified as part of factory and educational tour.

If you need transportation services to visit this place, please refer to our product listing page.

You can also purchase a list of Top 40 Must Visit Places in Singapore with Sample Itineraries at the Donation/Payment Details page.