Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chinese New Year Part 15 - Hong Yi Hao Trading - Tibits company

Singaporeans, have you ever wondered where those Econs Minimart, Mama Shops get their tidbits from. Look no further for we have discovered the Father of all Minimarts and Mama Shops - Hong Yi Hao Trading Company.

As long as you think that the food is tidbits, you are sure to find it there. The varieties are so overwhelming; you need to calm yourself down say for 10 minutes before you can begin your purchase.

My pictures are limited as I am hyperventilating + in a rush of time buying...rather than photo taking but whatever I have is here to share!

Hong Yi Hao Trading is classified under the Warehouse Tours series.

If you need transportation services to visit this place, please refer to our product listing page.

You can also purchase a list of Top 40 Must Visit Places in Singapore with Sample Itineraries at the Donation/Payment Details page.

Booking is required. Please contact Richard Yap at 93893820


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